About Us
Providing individuals and organizations tools to build pathways towards financial independence.
At Morgan Franklin Foundation, we believe learning how to talk about money and understanding how money works are the first steps towards recognizing an individual’s financial goals.
Our signature program, Standards of Financial Literacy, has helped hundreds to acquire important vocabulary and concepts while learning the rules of money, finance and investing. This six-module course is adapted from the National Standards for Personal Financial Education. Upon successful completion of this course, participants become MFF Fellows.
MFF Fellows have access to additional MFF courses and opportunities for mentoring, networking, internships and participation in real-world opportunities. These are the opportunities which support MFF Fellows as they continue on their personal financial independence journey.
Our Mission
Our Belief.
We believe everyone can become financially independent.
We're here for all.
We teach people from all walks of life how to save, invest and grow their money. One person at a time.
Ben Franklin’s Foresight
Peter Morgan’s appreciation for Benjamin Franklin’s desire to promote civic virtue through the power of compounding interest is why we’re here. Ben Franklin believed that by investing in carefully constructed partnerships, even the smallest sums of money would grow, providing the foundation for the promotion of social philanthropy. Read more here.
One Starfish Inspires the Journey
Everything that shapes and grows MFF is inspired by the journey of one individual, and sending that individual – or starfish – down the right path. Founder Peter Morgan believes that author Loren Eiseley’s short story perfectly demonstrates the passion behind this project. Read and view more here.