MFF Latest News
Morgan Franklin Foundation Awards $1,000 Save Invest Grow Scholarship to Arizona State University Student
The Morgan Franklin Foundation (MFF) is thrilled to announce that Samuel Tepstra, a 20-year-old student at Arizona State University (ASU), has been awarded the $1,000
Thais Estrada-Nunez: Nonprofit Founder at 15
Thais Estrada-Nunez is a very impressive young woman with a storied childhood. Her family left Paraguay when her mom was 8 months pregnant with her,
Jake Webb Joins Morgan Franklin Foundation (MFF)
Morgan Franklin Foundation (MFF) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jake Webb as the Director of Communications. Jake is a multimedia professional with a
Jake Webb: MFF Fellow & Communications Director
Jake Webb, who became an MFF Fellow in 2019, is a multimedia professional with a background in videography and social media marketing. Jake joined MFF
Morgan Franklin Fellowship Foundation Announces Staff Changes
Press Release For Immediate Release Morgan Franklin Fellowship Foundation Announces Staff Changes Manchester, NH – Morgan Franklin Fellowship has announced that Executive Director Judi
Morgan Franklin Fellowship’s Inaugural Overview 2014 through 2021
MFF’s Inaugural – A Year in Review – 2014-October 2021
Spain Joins Morgan Franklin Fellowship Foundation (MFF)
Entrepreneur, commercial real estate professional and financial coach Steve Spain has joined Morgan Franklin Fellowship Foundation (MFF), where he will lend his expertise to develop
MFF Fellowship: 2021 Summer Opportunities
Are you looking enhance your work skills? Become an MFF Fellow to take advantage of real-world opportunities this summer. Learn to save, invest and grow
NH Non-profit Featured in NH Magazine
By: Emily Goulet, MFF Director of Communications Granite State Ambassadors is a NH non-profit organization with close ties to Morgan Franklin Fellowship (MFF). Judi Window,