Time is Life’s Currency

Today I am attempting to write the greatest piece of writing in the history of man by focusing on the core currency that we all run out of: time. In 1854, Henry David Thoreau wrote in Walden, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” In 2019, Joe Rogan brought this quote up with […]
How to Diversify Your Income

Household and personal income is defined as “the sum of all the wages, salaries, profits, interest payments, rents, and other forms of earnings received in a given period of time.” Simply put, it is all the sources of money you receive. There are generally three types of income: earned income, portfolio income, and passive income. […]
Your Job, Financial Health and Career Planning – What’s the Connection?

If you have been watching the news lately, there has been a lot of discussion of many in the American workforce leaving their current jobs in hopes of “more money, more flexibility and more happiness”. In a recent trending article on LinkedIn, Carrie Schwab-Pomerantz started off her article with the following: “One of the hard […]
An MFF Fellow’s Story: From Recovery to Entrepreneur

In this enlightening and engaging conversation, MFF Fellows Brandon Turner and Steve Spain discuss Brandon’s journey from recovery to financial coaching and becoming an entrepreneur. Brandon, an author and a financial independence coach, recently left his full-time job to launch a successful home painting business (with just word-of-mouth referrals!). Brandon and Steve discuss personal finance, […]
Taking an Entrepreneurial Mindset with Your Money

If you have ever met a successful business owner, you know that they know where every dollar in their business is coming from and where it is going. They want to put every dollar to work and in turn, see a strong return on every dollar spent/invested. It’s time to start thinking of your personal […]
Who’s Who in the World of Accounting – An MFF Lunch and Learn

CFO. CPA. CMA. Controller. Auditor. Finance Manager. Financial Analyst. Bookkeeper. Tax Accountant. Staff Accountant. The accounting and finance industry is filled with a wide variety of professionals who record, analyze, and maintain financial accounts and statements. Listen in as Jessica Boulerice, CMA, the founder of Sterling House Advisors, introduces us to the people behind the […]
Operating Agreements Lunch and Learn

On September 29th, Karen Webb shared with us her expertise on Operating Agreements and what you need to know. Thank you to Karen for sharing her depth and breadth of knowledge with MFF! A copy of the slides can be found here: Operating Agreement Presentation. We look forward to offering more […]
Quickbooks Lunch & Learn

On August 25th, Sarah Beals gave a comprehensive presentation on Quickbooks for our MFF August Lunch & Learn. She did a wonderful job presenting! Thank you to both Sarah and Michelle Demirjian for their work on this. The presentation slides can be found here: QuickBooks Procedures. We look forward to offering more […]
Small Business Resources Hiding in Plain Sight
Small Business Resources Hiding in Plain Sight MFF Two Minute Tuesday – April 28, 2020 2 Minute Tuesday is a short conversation about a topic related to financial, literacy, investing or entrepreneurship.
Small Business Sustainability during COVID-19 Restrictions

By: Jillian Starman, Ph.D., MFF Director of Education; Founder of Wise Women Leadership Dr. Jillian Starman is the Director of Education for Morgan Franklin Fellowship Foundation: an organization that promotes financial independence through online financial literacy education, and the founder of Wise Women Leadership: an organization that focuses on leadership growth, performance improvement, and business […]