Catching up with an MFF Fellow in Action

At MFF, we believe in the one starfish at a time mantra that every student we come into contact with is the most important student in the world to us. Allison Demirjian was one of our first students – we consider her a pioneer for our program. Beyond completing our courses to become a fellow, she has also worked as an intern and apprentice within our organization. We recently caught up with her and it’s very exciting to see how she has applied what she’s learned and taken off! 

“Every aspect of my education, my work life, my school life – something has followed me along from Morgan Franklin (Fellowship)” – Allison Demirjian

Allison recently graduated from Quinnipiac with an Undergraduate Degree in Health Science Studies (Pre-Med Track) and is currently on pace to graduate with her Master’s of Business Administration in May 2022. As she describes what she’s learning for her MBA, she’s having a different experience than the majority of her peers – she’s learning about things she already has experience with. 

“Amortization, cash flows, stocks…they’re all things I have personal experience in.” 

While completing her undergraduate and now graduate studies, Allison has taken on a sales internship with Aflac (where she was ranked the #1 intern in her region and #3 nationally), launched a small business that repurposes second-hand clothing, and has taken part in investment opportunities in Real Estate. 

We’re very proud to see what Allison has already accomplished – and even more excited to see where she will go. Allison is a prime example that knowledge is great, but the actions you make with that new knowledge are even more important. Our goal at Morgan Franklin Fellowship is to give our fellows the tools and opportunities to achieve financial independence – one starfish at a time.

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