MFF Fellow Study Abroad Program Cut Short Due to COVID-19

Allison Abroad

Recently our Intern, Kendall Crepeau, conducted a Zoom discussion with Allison Demirjian, an MFF Fellow (Alumni) who has successfully completed our Fundamentals of Financial Literacy and Fundamentals of Investing Program. In this interview, Kendall asks Allison about her study abroad experience in Spain that was cut short due to the escalation of COVID-19 spreading globally.  

Online Learning with Morgan Franklin Fellowship

Judi Window, Executive Director Morgan Franklin Fellowship

During this time of #SocialDistancing and at-home education and learning, Morgan Franklin Fellowship offers tuition-free, online learning, focused on Financial Literacy. Join us at If you are a teacher, advisor or parent working with your students remotely, let us help. Reach out to us at

Legos and Money: Money, Family, & Our New World

Lyndsey Ducharme

By: Lyndsey Ducharme, MFF Fellow & Mom of Twins Money has been my least favorite subject, with school following close behind. So how did I end up taking the Financial Literacy course at MFF? This course is the beginning to my family’s new life. In order for my family to move forward with our dreams […]

Global Pandemic: A Note From Our Founder, Peter Morgan

Peter Morgan Founder, Entrepreneur and Real Estate Developer

GLOBAL PANDEMIC The world suddenly changed, one of those very rare occasions when all that was known and stable yesterday, is turned “upside down.” All of our predictions and expectations are thrown asunder. What shall we do? First and foremost, we need to stay alert. It is important that we listen to our formal leadership […]

Mid Quarter 2020 Economic Outlook

Morgan Franklin Fellowship Foundation  Mid Quarter 2020 Economic Outlook Written by: Elizabeth Salas Evans, President & CCO at Cayena Capital Management  March 12, 2020 Just yesterday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel dismally provided her warning that 70% of Germany’s population is at risk of contracting COVID-19 (Coronavirus), and the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 […]